From left to right: Karin, Matthew, Sarah, Amber, and Xin.
Presenting a poster at the Annual Retreat of the Culver Vision Discovery Institute. From left to right: Mary Gadalla, Samantha Spitler, and Callie Jowers
From left to right: Nicole Streeb, Matthew Maestri, Karin Hauffen, Christa Armfield, Jay Hegdé, Raj Ganguly, Xin Chen and Vikas Kumar. Picture courtesy of Dr. Alan Saul.
From left to right: Sarah Kromrey, Nicole Streeb, Xin Chen, Matthew Maestri, and Amber Still.
Lab lunch on May 13, 2013 to bid farewell to Callie, Christa, Mary, Nicole and Samantha. From left to right: Matthew Maestri, Xin Chen (partially obscured), Samantha Spitler, Mary Gadalla, Nicole Streeb (partially obscured), Christa Armfiled (partially obscured), and Callie Jowers. Don’t you just luv the professional job Jay did taking this picture?
From left to right: Matthew, Sarah, Karin, and Amber.
From left to right: Andrew Sojka and Udochukwu Amanamba. Two interns from Summer 2019
July 11, 2012 visit by students from the nearby University of South Carolina, Aiken (USCA). These students are from Dr. Echo Leaver’s cognitive neuroscience class at USCA and are participants in the NSF-funded Research Experience for Undergraduates (REU) program there. The students are seen doing the mandatory security paperwork prior to entering the secured research facilities, supervised by Ms. Sophie Jones.