Collins, B., Kankipati, A., Murray, D.L., Truong, T., Hegdé, J. (2023). How Do We Recognize Someone’s Face from Different Angles? (Hint: We Utilize Our Visual Constancy). Frontiers for Young Minds. 11:747790. doi: 10.3389/frym.2023.747790.
Hegdé, J., Tustison, N.J., Parker, W.T., Branch, F., Yanasak, N., Stumpo, L.A. (2023) An Anatomical Template for the Normalization of Medical Im-2 ages of Adult Human Hands. Diagnostics. 13, 2010. doi: 10.3390/diagnostics13122010.
Branch, F., Hegdé, J. (2023). Toward a more nuanced understanding of probability estimation biases. Frontiers Psychology. 14:1132168. doi: 10.3389/fpsyg.2023.1132168. eCollection 2023. PMID: 37063564.
Park, E., Branch, F., Hegdé, J. (2022). Satisfaction of Search Can Be Ameliorated by Perceptual Learning: A Proof-of-Principle Study. Vision (Basel). 2022 Aug 10;6(3):49. doi: 10.3390/vision6030049. PMID: 35997380.
Britt, Z., Senadiki, Z., Senthil, V., Hegdé, J. (2022). A Powerful New Tool for Doctors: How Brain Imaging Can Help Patients with Alzheimer’s Disease. Frontiers for Young Minds. 10:647893. doi: 10.3389/frym.2022.647893.
Branch, F., Park, E., Hegdé, J. (2022). Heuristic Vetoing: Top-Down Influences of the Anchoring-and-Adjustment Heuristic Can Override the Bottom-Up Information in Visual Images. Front Neurosci. 2022;16:745269. doi: 10.3389/fnins.2022.745269. eCollection 2022. PubMed PMID: 35669491; PubMed Central PMCID: PMC9163416.
Branch, F., Williams, K.M., Santana, I., Hegdé, J. (2022) How well do practicing radiologists interpret the results of CAD technology? A quantitative characterization. Cognitive Research: Principles and Implications 7:52. doi: 10.1186/s41235-022-00375-9.
Branch, F., Santana, I., Hegdé, J. (2022). Biasing influence of ‘mental shortcuts’ on diagnostic decision-making: Radiologists can overlook breast cancer in mammograms when prior diagnostic information is available. Diagnostics 12, 105. doi: 10.3390/diagnostics12010105.
Branch, F., Lewis, A.J., Santana, I.N., Hegdé, J. (2021). Expert camouflage-breakers can accurately localize search targets. Cogn. Research, 6(27). doi:10.1186/s41235-021-00290-5.
Amanamba, U., Sojka, A., Harris, S., Bucknam, M., and Hegdé, J. (2020) A Window Into Your Brain: How fMRI Helps Us Understand What Is Going on Inside Our Heads. Front. Young Minds 8:484603. doi: 10.3389/frym.2020.484603.
Hegdé, J. Deep learning can be used to train naive, nonprofessional observers to detect diagnostic visual patterns of certain cancers in mammograms: a proof-of-principle study. J. Med. Imag. 7(2), 022410 (2020), doi: 10.1117/1.JMI.7.2.022410.
[See press coverage about the above article in “Can the Technology Used for Creating Smart Computers Also Be Used for Training Medical Experts?” Research Outreach. (2021).]
Hegdé, J. and Bart, E. Do different radiologists perceive medical images the same way? Some insights from Representational Similarity Analysis. Society for Imaging Science and Technology 225-1 – 225-6. doi: (2019).
Lewis, A. J., Nemer, I. N., and Hegdé, J. I Spy With My Little Eye: What Visual Search Can Tell Us About How We See the World. Frontiers for Young Minds 7:4. doi: 10.3389/frym.2019.00004. (2019).
Bart, E. and Hegdé, J. Deep Synthesis of Realistic Medical Images: A Novel Tool in Clinical Research and Training. Front Neuroinform. 12:82. doi: 10.3389/fninf.2018.00082. (2018).
Hegdé, J. and Bart, E. Making Expert Decisions Easier to Fathom: On the Explainability of Visual Object Recognition Expertise. Front Neurosci. 12:670. doi: 10.3389/fnins.2018.00670. (2018).
Hegdé, J. Neural Mechanisms of High-Level Vision. Compr Physiol. 8:3. doi: 10.1002/cphy.c160035.(2018).
Hegdé, J. and Bart, E. The future is here: How machine learning will impact neurology. Current Trends in Neurology 11. (2017).
Sevilla, J. and Hegdé, J. “Deep” visual patterns are informative to practicing radiologists in mammograms in diagnostic tasks. Journal of Vision 17:10. (2017).
Maestri, M., Odel, J. and Hegdé, J. Semantic descriptor ranking: A quantitative method for evaluating qualitative verbal reports of visual cognition in the laboratory or the clinic. Frontiers in Psychology 5:160. doi:10.3389/fpsyg.2014.00160 (2014).
Bart, E., and Hegdé, J. Illumination-invariant object recognition based on image fragments. Frontiers in Computational Neuroscience 6:56 (2012).
[Featured in Psychology Progress as a Key Research Article]

Hegdé, J. Thompson, S.K., Brady, M. and Kersten, D. Object recognition in clutter: Cortical responses depend on the type of learning. Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 6:170 (2012).
Hauffen, K., Bart, E., Brady, M., Kersten, D. and Hegdé, J. Creating objects and object categories for studying perception and perceptual learning. Journal of Visualized Experiments 69:e3358 (2012).
Kromrey, S*., Bart. E*. and Hegdé, J. What the ‘Moonwalk’ illusion reveals about the perception of depth-order from motion. PLoS ONE 6:e20951 (2011). [*These two authors contributed equally]
Hegdé, J. and Kersten, D. A link between visual disambiguation and visual memory. Journal of Neuroscience 30:15124-15133 (2010).
Kromrey, S., Maestri, M., Hauffen, K., Bart, E. and Hegdé, J. Fragment-based learning of visual categories in non-human primates. PLoS ONE 5:e15444 (2010).
Hegdé, J. How reliable is pattern adaptation? A modeling study. Journal of Neurophysiology 102:2245-52 (2009). [Faculty of 1000 ‘Must Read’ selection]
Hegdé, J., Bart, E. and Kersten, D. Fragment-based learning of visual object categories. Current Biology18:597-601 (2008). [Comment in: Vuong, QC. Visual categorization: when categories fall to pieces. Current Biology 18:R427-429 (2008)]
Hegdé, J., Fang, F., Murray, S.O. and Kersten, D. Preferential responses to occluded objects in the human visual cortex. Journal of Vision 8:16.1-16.16 (2008).
Hegdé, J. and Van Essen, D.C. A comparative study of form processing in primate visual areas V4, V2 and V1. Cerebral Cortex 17:1100-1116 (2007). [Cover Article] [Faculty of 1000 selection]
Hegdé, J. and Van Essen, D.C. Temporal dynamics of 2-D and 3-D shape representation in macaque visual area V4. Visual Neuroscience 23:749-763 (2006). [Cover Article]
Hegdé, J. and Van Essen, D.C. Stimulus dependence of disparity coding in primate visual area V4. Journal of Neurophysiology 93:620-626 (2005).
Hegdé, J. and Felleman, D.J. Modeling the observed center-surround summation in macaque visual area V1. Neurocomputing 63:499-525 (2005).
Hegdé, J. and Van Essen, D.C. Role of primate visual area V4 in the processing of 3-D shape characteristics defined by disparity. Journal of Neurophysiology 94:2856-2866 (2005).
Hegdé, J. and Van Essen, D.C. Temporal dynamics of shape representation in macaque visual area V2. Journal of Neurophysiology 92: 3030-3042 (2004).
Hegdé, J., Albright, T.D. and Stoner, G.R. Second-order motion conveys depth order information. Journal of Vision 4:838-842 (2004).
Hegdé, J. and Van Essen, D.C. Strategies of shape representation in macaque visual area V2. Selectivity for complex shapes in primate visual area V2. Visual Neuroscience 20:313-328 (2003). [Cover Article]
Hegdé. J. and Felleman, D.J. How selective are V1 cells for pop-out stimuli? Journal of Neuroscience 23:9968-9980 (2003). [Cover Article]
Hegdé, J. and Van Essen, D.C. Selectivity for complex shapes in primate visual area V2. Journal of Neuroscience 20:RC61-66 (2000).
Hegdé, J. and Felleman, D.J. The popout in some conjunction searches is due to perceptual grouping. NeuroReport 10:143-148 (1998). [Cover Article]
Invariant Recognition of Objects
Edited by: Evgeniy Bart and Jay Hegdé
Publisher: Frontiers Media SA
ISBN: 978-2-88919-076-8
Frontiers Media SA (2013).
Deep Learning in Biological, Computer, and Neuromorphic Systems
Edited by: Evgeniy Bart and Jay Hegdé
Publisher: Frontiers Media SA
Frontiers Media SA (2019).
Hegdé, J. Biological and Technical Replicates. In: The SAGE Encyclopedia of Research Design, 2nd edition. Frey, Bruce, editor. Sage Publications, Thousand Oaks, CA. (2022). [Invited article]
Print ISBN: 9781071812129
Online ISBN: 9781071812082
Hegdé, J. Data and Safety Monitoring. In: The SAGE Encyclopedia of Research Design, 2nd edition. Frey, Bruce, editor. Sage Publications, Thousand Oaks, CA. (2022). [Invited article]
Print ISBN: 9781071812129
Online ISBN: 9781071812082
Hegdé, J. Decision Rule. In: The SAGE Encyclopedia of Research Design, 2nd edition. Frey, Bruce, editor. Sage Publications, Thousand Oaks, CA. (2022). [Invited article]
Print ISBN: 9781071812129
Online ISBN: 9781071812082
Hegdé, J. Overfitting. In: The SAGE Encyclopedia of Research Design, 2nd edition. Frey, Bruce, editor. Sage Publications, Thousand Oaks, CA. (2022). [Invited article]
Print ISBN: 9781071812129
Online ISBN: 9781071812082
Bart, E. and Hegdé, J. Editorial: Deep Learning in Biological, Computer, and Neuromorphic Systems. Front Comput Neurosci. 13:11. doi: 10.3389/fncom.2019.00011. (2019).
Bart, E., and Hegdé, J. Exploiting temporal continuity of views to learn visual object invariance. Frontiers in Neuroscience 7:26 (2013). [Invited commentary]
Bart, E., and Hegdé, J. Emerging principles of invariant recognition of visual objects. Frontiers in Neuroscience 6:60 (2012). [Editorial]
Hegdé, J. Overfitting. In: Encyclopedia of Research Design, Salkind, Neil J., ed. Sage Publications, Thousand Oaks, CA. (2010). [Invited article]
Hegdé, J. Decision rule. In: Encyclopedia of Research Design, Salkind, Neil J., ed. Sage Publications, Thousand Oaks, CA. (2010). [Invited article]
Hegdé, J. Time course of visual perception: Coarse-to-fine processing and beyond. Progress in Neurobiology 84:405-439 (2008). [Invited article]
Hegdé, J. Mental time travel sickness and a Bayesian remedy. Behavioral and Brain Sciences 30:323-324 (2007).
Hegdé, J. and Felleman, D. J. Reappraising the functional implications of the primate visual anatomical hierarchy. The Neuroscientist13:416-421 (2007). [Invited article]
Hegdé, J. Search for the neural correlates of perceptual learning. Journal of Neuroscience 26:8877-8878 (2006).
Hegdé, J. and Johnson, N. A. Folk psychology meets folk Darwinism. Behavioral and Brain Sciences 29:476-477 (2006).
Boynton, G. and Hegdé, J. Visual cortex: The continuing puzzle of area V2. Current Biology 14:R523-R524 (2004). [Invited article]
Hegdé, J. Romancing Vision, the ‘Make-Do Artist’. VDI Vision. Summer 2012 (2012). [Invited article]
Branch, F., Santana, I., and Hegdé, J. A Novel Contributing Factor to Base Rate Neglect in Mammography: Diagnosis-Dependent Selective Overweighting of False Positive Rates. Radiological Society of North America Conference, Chicago, IL. December 2020.
Branch, F., Santana, I., and Hegdé, J. Having Prior Information About the Cancer Status of a Mammogram Can Significantly Degrade the Cancer Detection Performance of Radiologists. Radiological Society of North America Conference, Chicago, IL. December 2020.
Branch, F., Santana, I., and Hegdé, J. A Quantitative Characterization of the Overconfidence Heuristic in Mammography. Radiological Society of North America Conference, Chicago, IL. December 2020.
Branch, F. and Hegdé, J. Role of the Anchoring and Adjustment (AAA) Heuristic in Radiological Decision-Making. Radiological Society of North America Conference, Chicago, IL. December 4, 2019.
Branch, F. and Hegdé, J. Overweighting of Individual Outcomes is the Main Source of Base Rate Neglect (BRN) in Mammography. Radiological Society of North America Conference, Chicago, IL. December 3, 2019.
Park, E., Branch, F., and Hegdé, J. Satisfaction of Search (Subsequent Search Miss) Can Be Ameliorated By Perceptual Learning. Association for Psychological Science Conference, Washington, D. C. May 25, 2019.
Hegdé, J. Deep Neural Networks as a Tool for Systematically Manipulating Diagnostic Information in Medical Images. Journal of Medical Imaging Medical Imaging Processing Society XVII. (2019).
Chen, X. and Hegdé, J. Neural mechanisms of camouflage-breaking: A human fMRI study. Journal of Vision 12:582 (2012).
Streeb, N., Chen, X. and Hegdé, J. Learning-dependent changes in brain responses while learning to break camouflage: A human fMRI study. Journal of Vision 12:1131 (2012).
Hegdé, J. and Chen, X. Role of occipital cortex in the perception of depth-order from motion: A human fMRI study. Journal of Vision 12:236 (2012).
Hauffen K., Van Loozen, D. and Hegdé, J. Attentional interference in normal and impaired vision. 3rd Annual Retreat of the Vision Discovery Institute. Feb. 15, 2011.
Maestri, M., Hauffen K. and Hegdé, J. A novel method for characterizing cognitive deficits in visual perception. 3rd Annual Retreat of the Vision Discovery Institute. Feb. 15, 2011.
Chen, X. and Hegdé, J. Learning to break camouflage by learning the background. 3rd Annual Retreat of the Vision Discovery Institute, Medical College of Georgia. Feb. 15, 2011.
Van Loozen, D., Hauffen K. and Hegdé, J. Attentional interference in normal and impaired vision. Summer Research Day, School of Medicine, Medical College of Georgia. Sept. 20, 2010.
Kromrey, S., Maestri, M., Hauffen, K., Bart, E. and Hegdé, J. Time course of visual object categorization in the macaque visual area V4. Psychophysiology 47, 3.1.2 (2010).
Kromrey, S.A., Howard, S.M. and Hegdé, J. Neural Mechanisms of Perception of Depth-order from Motion: A Human fMRI Study. Journal of Vision 10:49 (2010).
Epting, A. and Hegdé, J. The Role of Temporal ‘Priors’ in the Perception of Depth-Order from Motion: A Priming Study. Journal of Vision 10:48 (2010).
Chen, X. and Hegdé, J. Implicit learning of background texture while learning to break camouflage Journal of Vision 10:1114 (2010).
Kromrey, S.A., Howard, S.M. and Hegdé, J. Accretion-deletion cue is insufficient for determining depth-order from motion. Society for Neuroscience Abstracts 380.3 (2009).
Howard, S.M., Kromrey, S.A.and Hegdé, J. Role of accretion-deletion cue in determining depth-order from motion. GA/SC Neuroscience Consortium Meeting Abstracts, Athens, GA. (2009).
Bart, E., Hegdé, J. and Kersten, D. Fragment-based learning of visual categories. Cosyne p. 121. (2008).
Hegdé, J., Thompson, S. K. and Kersten, D. Identifying faces in two-tone (‘Mooney’) images: A psychophysical and fMRI study. Journal of Vision 7:624 (2007).
Hegdé, J., Thompson, S.K. and Kersten, D. Psychophysical and fMRI studies of the role of prior knowledge in visual perception. Vision Sciences Society Abstracts/Journal of Vision 6:677a (2006).
Thompson, S., Hegdé, J. and Kersten, D. Learning novel objects in camouflage. Visual Learning and Recognition Workshop Institute of Mathematics and Its Applications, University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, MN (2006).
Hegdé, J., Thompson, S. and Kersten, D. Object recognition in cluttered visual scenes: Is it better to learn objects in the presence or the absence of clutter? Society for Neuroscience Abstracts 438.19 (2006).
Hegdé, J., Fang, F., Murray, S.O. and Kersten, D. Neural mechanisms of interpretation of occluded objects: A human fMRI study. Society for Neuroscience Abstracts 31:768.12 (2005).
Hegdé, J. and Albright, T.D. Is selective spatial frequency adaptation diagnostic of neuronal mechanisms of spatial frequency processing? A modeling study. Society for Neuroscience Abstracts 30:986.20 (2004).
Hegdé, J., Albright, T.D. and Stoner G.R. Contextual effects of binocular depth cues and shadow-based depth cues on motion interpretation. Journal of Vision 3:804a (2003).
Stoner, G.R., Albright, T.D. and Hegdé, J. Depth order perception in first- and second-order motion stimuli. Journal of Vision 3:799a (2003).
Anzai, A., Van Essen, D.C., Peng, X. and Hegdé, J. Receptive field structure of monkey V2 neurons for encoding orientation contrast. Journal of Vision 2:221a (2002).
Hegdé, J. and Van Essen, D.C. Selectivity for 3-D shape characteristics defined by stereoscopic disparity in macaque visual area V4. Society for Neuroscience Abstracts 27:165.7 (2001).
Hegdé, J. and Felleman, D.J. Linearity of center-surround summation of low contrast stimuli in primate visual area V1. Society of Neuroscience Abstracts 26:141 (2000).
Hegdé, J. and Van Essen, D.C. Selectivity for complex forms in primate visual area V1. Society for Neuroscience Abstracts 25:1548 (1999).
Hegdé, J. and Van Essen, D.C. Population analyses of selectivity for contour and grating stimuli in macaque visual area V2. Society for Neuroscience Abstracts 24:1506 (1998).
Hegdé, J. and Van Essen, D.C. Selectivity for Contours in visual area V2. Investigative Ophthalmology and Visual Science 38:4492 (1997).
Hegdé, J. and Van Essen, D.C. Selectivity for non-Cartesian and conventional gratings in visual area V2. Society for Neuroscience Abstracts 23:1395 (1997).
Hegdé, J. and Felleman, D.J. Parallel processing or perceptual grouping? Society of Neuroscience Abstract 21:512 (1996).
Hegdé, J. and Felleman, D.J. Neurons in area V1 respond similarly to pop-out and non-popout stimuli. Investigative Ophthalmology and Visual Science 37:S484 (1996).
Hegdé, J. and Felleman, D.J. Distribution of parvalbumin and SMI32 immunoreactivities in extrastriate visual cortex of the macaque. Society of Neuroscience Abstract 20:428 (1995).
Hegdé, J., Xiao, Y., Emery, J.M. and Felleman, D.J. Effects of adult onset of aphakia on the functional architecture of macaque LGN and V1. Investigative Ophthalmology and Visual Science 35:2411 (1994).